How to Face the PMO Management Challenges ?

PMO Management

How to Face the PMO Management Challenges ?

With the changes constantly flowing in the heart of every organization, it’s no wonder that the need for Project Management Office (PMOhas been heightened to a certain degree. Executives are seeking PMOs to enhance standardization and share the best practices out there for teams. Supporting businesses take a lot of work, with more requirements to take into account. PMO management is growing and for that to grow into maturity, it needs to keepup with the trends in the industry. This also means that teams need to work more effectively and efficiently.

Regardless if your PMO management is starting out or has been around the industry, you need to keep an eye on the following challenges that will come your way and for your PMO management. Remember that your PMO might get caught up in the void of irrelevancy or if the following goals are not managed properly.


Below are the following PMO management challenges and what you can do to prepare for them


The Responsibilities of Additional Tasks

Day 1 of PMO management starts with taking responsibility for other tasks; occurrences like this often happen where these tasks have nowhere to go or in this case, no division in an organization takes them. But it doesn’t mean that PMO management is the ultimate solution. This is why you need to start realigning your goals and activities and work out the following gaps from there.

In order to stay relevant, your PMO management has to implement regular reviews to assess if the following mandate reflects the business or company goals. You need to act upon on this, especially by making the necessary changes to tasks and refraining from working on activities that no longer hold value.


The Lack of Staff and Skills

Resource management is the top challenge a PMO management faces, especially in allocating resources to projects and within the spectrum of PMO itself. Another challenge the PMO management needs to deal with is the number of staff doing various responsibilities. It’s fine,but not ona long-term basis since it will be hard to set each onebar high in terms of skill and can also create pressure on smaller groups.

Look atthe various skills in your PMO management and compare them to what your organization needs. That way you will be able to determine the requirements for training or hiring; then provide the necessary training to improve or develop those skill sets.


Marketing the Services

Challenged values have been common in the PMO management world due to senior managers lack of perceived value. It’s the job of the PMO to make the company aware of its function in the hierarchy.

The first step to do this is to make senior managers aware what exactly the PMO management does and how they’re connected to the strategic goals.


The Emergence and Rise of Agile

The lack of skills in working under Agile has also been part of the challenge that PMO management is trying to deal with. A number of PMO management teams are anxious that they don’t have enough skills or none at all to work under this methodology.

Ensure that your PMO is up to date by training teams and update processes in order to align the new way of working. Agile requires different processes and skills, so make sure that everyone in the team has the right skills that align with this method.


Growing Your PMO Management

As much there is the difference in PMO management the goal is pretty clear: make managing business easier for a less difficult project, portfolio, and program management. This will also manifest when you are regularly facing various PMO management challenges and finding the best ways of dealing with them.