Getting to Know the Projectized Organization Structure Advantages

Projectized Organization Structure Advantages - Management Square

Getting to Know the Projectized Organization Structure Advantages

New ideas, knowledge, and skills are meant to share and this is one of the elements that make organizations successful. Employees who acquire from their experiences share them with others for new and developed knowledge as well as skill benefits. From this factors come a projectized organization that ensures project success and efficacy. This particular structure is ideal for any type of organization. But it still depends on the overall framework of a company—that means culture, principles, and practices are still need to be accounted for. The following projectized organization structure advantages will give you an in-depth look at how such particular structure can work with any industry, provided that they are parallel to that certain industry’s culture.


But let’s learn the gist of the projectized organization first:


The Projectized Organization Structure Advantages—What is Projectized Organization?


Tasks are compiled into programs or portfolios ad turning them into projects are one of the elements of a projectized organization. Simply put, projects are the star of the show and the tasks within it are implemented and operated by an assigned team, under the leadership of a project manager.


And speaking of project managers, they have the upper hand wth the entire operation. All tasks, updates, and changes are all reported by the team to the project manager who is also in charge of decisions for the whole team and project, and taking care of resources, tools, and budget. One of the projectized organization structure advantages are that such organizational structure is flexible as well as adaptable. Experiences are learned and shared within the members which make the team dynamic sturdier.


Keep in mind that just because a project manager has the free reign in the project, it doesn’t mean that he or she has to make decisions without consulting the higher-ups first. If a project operates under a program, the project manager must consult the program manager first before deciding on a course of action. This also applies to projects operating under a portfolio.


As mentioned above, one of the features of projectized organization is that project managers have full authority over the projects and team. Another characteristic of this structure is that teams are demobilized once the project is finished. The team member typically works full time and part time members are usually consultants and external business partners who aid in the project’s operation.


Projectized Organization Structure Advantages: The Project Management Framework


The following projectized organization structure advantages are different than the functional organization in terms of project manager responsibilities and the overall framework.


  • The authority is clear and team members are able to identify who they report to, making decisions more adaptable and efficient.


  • Since the communication falls into a single line of the system, there is only one person to report to which makes communication less time-consuming. This also makes the communication among project team members more cocise and more effective, preventing confusion among information deployment.


  • A single line of communication also means that responding to stakeholders or clients is faster, especially with time-sensitive information. Urgent tasks are easily prioritized due to a fast-paced envronment that is present in projectized organization structure.


  • A projectizecd organization gives team members a chance to have a learning curve from their experiences while being involved in a project. Such learning manifests early due to the structure’s faster communication, priority, and milestones.


  • Team members become more flexible as the project progresses, as well as encountering various projects and operations. These projects serve as a pathway for them to determine their strenghts and weaknesses.


  • Sharing of knowledge and experience is easier; not to mention it saves time and money training members for improving and developing their skills.


  • Loyalty and dedication to the team are stronger and there are no issues in regards to management. Since there is the only person to report to, there will be no problems with multiple authorities running amok.


Despite the PMO or program manager governing the projects, the manager is still expected to do his or her responsibility to make the project run smoothly. Project managers are also expected to make quick and logical decisions in the projects. Before employers hire a manager in a projectized organization, his or her skills must be evaluated first to determine if he or she is qualified for the responsibilities of a project manager. Since the projectized organization has one authority, it’s crucial that project managers ensure that team members are motivated to fulfill their respective tasks.


Above all, the projectized organization creates dynamic to projects and organizations that need a hassle-free methodology to fulfill the key objectives of the tasks. It is versatile and benefits not only the project as a whole, but the team members and program manager looking for ways to develop or improve their skills.