What Is Projectized Organization Structure : The Know-Hows

Projectized Organization Structure - Management Square

What Is Projectized Organization Structure : The Know-Hows

The people operating under an organization has developed innovative ways and approaches on how to deliver quality results and effective system. With the every growing industry that is constantly evolving, it’s no wonder that employees are making sure that they are adapting to the changes, all the while becoming more motivated in every task they accomplished. Additionally, employees are always up for helping each other; sharing knowledge and giving a team members a chance to improve or developed his or her skills. This is basically the answer to the question, “what is projectized organization structure?”


There are three types of organization structure that exist in the organizations in the industry: matrix, functional, and projectized organizational structure. Each three of these organizational structures have their own set of characteristics and features that separate them from one another. However, the article will solely focus on projectized organization structure instead.


The Big Deal: What is Projectized Organization Structure?


From the word itself: projectized—an organizational structure that focuses on projects, its process, as well as the tasks within it. Different types of management approaches have been developed for the past years in the business or tech industry. And one of them is project organization. So what is projectized organization structure? How is it different from the usual functional organization structure?


In this type of setting, organizations complete their tasks and transform them into programs or portfolios, and execute them via projects. Sounds like your usual project governance, but the project manager’s task is almost a far cry from the functional organization structure.


A projectized organization structure is designed or set up in a way that the project manager is on the top of the hierarchy and has the full power in any decision that is involved in the project. The team members directly report to him or her and all the tasks are concentrated towards the project. Unlike the typical functional organization, project managers in the projectized organization structure are not limited to tasks such as decision making and resources utilization.


The project of said organization structure relies on external domains in order to establish one. A projectized organization structure is usually composed of divisions such as Accounting, Human Resource, and Admin—all serves as support systems of all activities involved in project management. This still depends on the type of company and size—some projects have more than three support domains that provide individual components essential for the project’s entire operation.


Depending on the size of the project, the team members can either be full time or part time. Larger projects tend to take a lot of resources and teams which often resulted in a project organization within an organization. Since a project is a temporary endeavor, the teams are mobilized to new projects once the previous project is finished.


What is Projectized Organization Structure and Their Features


Now that we have the basic know-how of what is projectized organization structure, it’s time to cover its distinct features that are a shy away from the functional organization structure we get used to. Projectized organization structure may seem similar to its functional counterpart, but they do have their own set of framework that makes them stand out from both matrix and functional organization structures.


Below are the following characteristics of a projectized organization structure:


  • Team members operate under the command of the project manager. Usually, these members work full time and permanently, and they report every update and ay changes to the project manager.


  • The project manager has the full reign of all the operations involved in the project. This includes decision making, deploying tasks to team members, and managing resources and funds.


  • The teams and resources are demobilized once the project is completed. This is one of the distinct features of the projectized organization that makes them stand out from other types of organizational structure.


Citing Examples


To fully understand the system of projectized organization structure, let us have an example that is based on a real-life project scenario.


Say that there are two tasks within a project. We name it Project A and Project B. This is a project for a certain video game. Let’s call this Video Game X—this is the project that needs to be developed by the assigned team. Now under Video Game X are the two projects mentioned (it’s Projects A and B in case you lose track). Project A includes developing codes for the game as well as tests to ensure that there are no bugs and other issues in the game. Project B, on the other hand, includes the development of graphics—this includes concept art and rendering. The Video Game X is lead by a project manager. The members working on both projects report to the manager, should there are updates needed.


The Future of Projectized Organization Structure


Some organizations resort to a projectized structure for a more organized framework of tasks and projects. Project managers are trusted to do the job that is expected of them and their skills and capabilities are the key elements towards the project’s success and efficacy. At the end of the day, it still depends on the organization’s culture and principles on what type of structure they believe will help them developed in the industry.